


Front-End Developer

  • Project Scope: January 2023
  • Project Type: 6 person project, Hackathon
  • Tech Stack: Next.js, React, Leaflet, Styled-components, Tailwindcss, Framer-motion, Axios

<section id="project_brief">

RainCheck is an interactive map web application that provide insights on the Vancouver housing market and lets you know how long it would take you to afford one. Created during BCIT’s QDS 2023 Hackathon. RainCheck was one of the finalists during the Hackathon. Note: Please allow 10-30 seconds for the mainpage to load up, as it is fetching data from the API.

RainCheck's map displays currently listed locations depending on the information that you have provided.


<section id="process">

For the Hackathon, we were given the decision to either work with their dataset or create whatever we wanted. We decided to create our own application with a dataset that we found, which was a public API that webscraped Canadian retailers sites, such as realtor.ca. Then we limited the area to just Vancouver because requests were limited and the map cannot display every marker without performing slow. Using axios we could fetch data that we wanted from the API, such as their location, price, listing url, and who is selling the house.

Statistics provided based off the Vancouver's housing market.


<section id="outcome">

A challenge I faced, was the time scrunch that participating in a hackathon gives you. During the time working on the project, we constantly had to think of solutions in order to succeed in making our project. During the project, I focused on scripting reusable components and creating functionalities for the filtering of the map. In the end, we were able to successfully build a fully functional web application and present our project and reach the finals and present to a panel of industry experts.

Filter's decided for use were the price, building type, bedrooms, and bathrooms to due them seeming the most important to us and based off the research performed.


View the project links.